Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Starting again.

Just received this email:

After reviewing the possibility of additional positions arising, I do regret to say that today we have been informed that they do not anticipate further positions to arise at Walt Disney World before September 2012 that you may be considered for.

Not all that surprising, really - I didn't expect them to suddenly find a bunch of places for us remaining Opportunity List-ers. But it still hurt to see that. You always try to hold out hope, don't you? (well, I do).

I've already reapplied - I did it last week, after emailing Yummy Jobs about the applications reopening earlier than expected - so I suppose it's time to focus on that. The email that I got after applying says that:

We will be contacting you in mid January 2012 with more information regarding your application and the next step of the application process.
So hopefully this whole process will go a little more quickly than the last one. And maybe - just maybe - this time I can go the whole way, rather than falling at the final hurdle.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Uh, what?

So, um, this has happened:

UK Applicants: Applications are now open with an anticipated deadline of January 10th, 2012 at 3pm GMT

Yes, that's right, the applications have opened early! Instead of opening on January 4th, as Yummy Jobs told us they would a while back, they're now closing on January 10th! Which is fine, groovy, great. Except ...

Except that I'm still on the Opportunity List. And haven't been contacted by Yummy Jobs to let me know what's going on. Obviously I've just emailed them, since we were told that if we hadn't been given a place by the time the applications reopened (this was when the applications were to open January 4th) we'd be released to reapply. As it is, I'm not sure what's going to happen now. Part of me hopes this means they have at least a vague idea of dates and that we (I say 'we', as far as I'm aware it's just me and another girl who are still waiting!) will be given one - or at least assurance that we'll be given one - without having to go through the application process again. Actually, a lot of me hopes that. But somehow I feel that's a little optimistic!

Oh well, nothing I can do about it at the moment. Que sera sera etc. It's just so frustrating still not knowing what's going on when it's been almost a year since I applied :(

Sunday, 2 October 2011

One month down, three to go.

Just thought I'd post an update, since a month has gone by ... even though, to be honest, there's nothing to update. Nobody has heard anything. Which, I suppose, is sort of good. At this point I want all of us that are left to get dates, or none of us. Is that selfish? Quite possibly! But I just know that I don't want to end up being the only one without a date, and I don't want that for anyone else who's left waiting either. We've gone through all of this together, I want us to come out of it together as well!

It's just a little bit depressing because one of the girls who I applied with is already out there, with another girl leaving in a month. Having all of these people on Facebook makes my heart ache a little because I don't know if I'm ever going to be able posting statuses and photos like they are :(

I'm currently working as a 'Food & Beverage Assistant' at a hotel, so I'm hoping that'll help my reapplication in January; I mean, I got this far without that, so maybe, just maybe that could give me the extra push? Or at least make sure I get that far next time, and then be even better at the interview.

Oh well, only another 3 months and 3 days until I can apply again ...

Thursday, 1 September 2011

'Opportunity List Update'

The end of August came, and it was getting to the point where we were beginning to think that we'd been forgotten about, until we received an email at ten to 8 in the evening. I'm so glad I was busy yesterday, otherwise I'd probably have been going crazy refreshing my inbox every 10 2 minutes!

The email said, basically, that we have to keep waiting.

And as it is now the end of August we did want to send an update regarding the Opportunity List, and just keep you informed that currently your status is still the same where you are being considered for future roles that may arise at Walt Disney World. These roles can be a variety of reasons, and we will keep you informed of them.
Obviously we all emailed back and asked for a bit more information, and were told that they're going to hold onto our details until January 5th, when the applications reopen. I don't want to have to go through the whole application process again (though believe me, I will if I have to!), so I really really hope that I get given a date in the next 4 months.

I admit, I'm upset. Nick's email in June made it sound as if they were waiting for Disney to give them a whole other batch of dates that would be given to all of us waiting, but that doesn't seem to have happened. When others from the waitlist have been given dates, they've been in dribs and drabs, not all at once as I'd always imagined it to be. So I kept believing (or trying to believe) that the rest of us would all receive dates at the end of August. Turns out, there's more waiting for us to go through. Which, as I mentioned in my previous post, I expected to happen. I did. But that didn't stop it being any less gut-wrenching when I read that email.

The email tells us not to put our life on hold, but how can I help but do that? I can't plan more than a couple of months into the future in case I get given a date.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Less than a week of waiting left (for now).

By this time next week, I'll have finally heard from Yummy Jobs. And as positive as I'm trying to be, and usually am, I'm not feeling great about this. In the time that we've all been waiting for the end of August, so many fellow waitlistees have been given positions, and there's very few of us left (or so it seems) in the Facebook group that are actually still waiting. Admittedly most of the dates that have been given are before mid April 2012 (which was when I said I was available from), but a couple have been after, and I can't help but wonder 'why not me? Was I not good enough?'
Obviously I'm thrilled for everyone who's been given dates - there's a couple leaving within the next couple of months, which is so exciting! There's just slowly becoming less and less of us in the situation that we all started out in.

At this point, I don't think we'll be declined. But I do think that there's a strong chance that we'll be waitlisted. I checked over the emails we were sent by Yummy when they gave out the first 'wave' (as they called it) of offers, and in one Nick states:

At this time Disney has made a number of offers for positions that they have available for 2011 and 2012.

Currently Disney does not have the full number of open positions for 2012 available. We anticipate receiving details of these additional positions by the end of August 2011 at the latest.

Those words 'at the latest' gave me hope at the time - hooray, we could hear sooner! And some many people have. But there's now only 3 working days left until the end of August and it seems less and less likely that we'll be assigned the additional positions by the end of August and more and more likely that we'll be waitlisted until yet another date far in the future.

I want this so much, but I feel as if my life has been on hold - in a way - since I first applied way back in January. Eight months is a long time for life to be on hold. I don't mind if I've given a date that means I won't be going for over a year (since it looks as if they're yet to assign anyone any dates in October, November or December 2012), I just would like to KNOW if I'm actually going. Not knowing is slowly driving me crazy.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

6 done, 5 to go.

It's been six weeks since I was put onto the not-quite-waitlist. There's five weeks until the end of August, which is when we've been told we'll hear by, so at least we're over the half way point.

Most days I manage to only think about it briefly (but yes, I do think about it every day. How can I not?), but last night I dreamt* that Yummy Jobs emailed us with our dates, in one big long document with everyone's names and dates in, so that I had to Ctrl+F to find my name (yes, I used Ctrl+F in my dream. I am so cool). And instead of feeling excited, I felt a bit deflated, because I'd waited so long just to be lumped in with everyone else, and didn't even get a personalised email. I've been imagining the moment when I get the email - having my heart jump into my mouth when I see the subject line, holding my breath as I read the email, then going crazy with joy when I read my date - and because it didn't make me feel like doing that, I didn't even tell anyone. Yeah, I don't know, I have really vivid dreams. I just hope that it doesn't actually happen like that.

I couldn't resist checking my email with a feeling of hope this morning, but of course, there was no email. Oh well, a girl can dream.

*Chrome's spell check is implying 'dreamt' isn't a real word. What rubbish.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Not quite waiting.

A couple of days after my last post, Yummy Jobs clarified to all of the people in the same boat as me that we're not actually waitlisted - since they're recruiting for the whole of 2012, they simply don't know all of the dates that they'll need people to go out there yet. They've only assigned 40-50% of the places for the year at the moment, so there's still plenty of dates that we could be assigned. Which is excellent news!

Even better news (although maybe notsomuch for those who were hoping to apply in the summer round of applications) is that the next round of applications don't open until January next year. With only 40-50% of the places for 2012 assigned, and no new applicants being taken on until next year, it means that all of us in not-quite-waitlist-limbo stand a damn good chance of being given a start date for sometime in 2012.

With all my finishing university and moving from Brighton and moving to Southampton and looking for a job, I've got plenty going on at the moment to take my mind off things. Let's hope it continues that way and August will be upon me before I know it!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011


The results of the F2F interviews were sent out today and I've been waitlisted :(

I know this means I have a place (at least, it did for all previous waitlisters), but having to wait until the end of August to find out when I'm going is so frustrating! Especially when there are other people who have been given dates. It just makes me wonder what I did that wasn't quite good enough.

But! I'm trying to be optimistic. It can't be a case of some people being better than others, and therefore being given dates first, because really, if us waitlisters weren't good enough, why would they have waitlisted us at all? Surely they'd have just said no? I'm choosing to believe that there weren't many places and that it was just luck of the draw who was given a place straight away and who was waitlisted.

I've already been waiting 6 months since the application date, what's another 10 weeks? I'll just have to find lots of fun things to do to take my mind off it all!

Monday, 6 June 2011

So, how did it go?

The F2F was on Friday and .. I think it went pretty well! At the moment at least, I'm fairly confident.

All of the people from our Facebook group (who had found each other through the WDWIP forums) met at Costa Coffee in the morning so we could head to Disney HQ together. We went there at about quarter to 9, but were told we were in the wrong entrance so had to go around the other side of the building. We were all pretty excited just to be in HQ!

We checked in and then stood around chatting for a while - someone said they were making notes on us, so I'm definitely glad for our group that meant we already knew people! It just made it a little bit easier!
Everyone arrived on time so we were taken into the theatre to watch a presentation. It was ridiculously cheesy but we all clearly loved it, haha. Jill and Jeff - the Disney representatives - talked around the videos in the presentation, and then asked us some quiz questions. I was determined to win one of the prizes, and I did! I knew the answer to all of the questions (they were pretty simple - name the 4 theme parks, name the cruise line ships, name a Disney owned channel, name a Disney owned TV show), and I won a prize (a screen wipe, which I have no intention of taking out of the packaging!) for naming all 3 Disney cruise line ships. And then I got right the answer of when the next ship was coming, and even its name, which definitely earned me some dork points!

Then they put up our interview times, and we all left the theatre. We went to sit in the Disney cafe to wait for Craig, who had his interview first. He came back and told us it was really informal, and that he was only asked a few questions. We kept pressing him for more, but he didn't have much to tell us!
We then decided to go to Wetherspoons, since most of us didn't have interviews for a couple of hours (mine was at 14.50). People were coming and going to their interviews from there, and the rest of us sat around chatting.
I headed back around 14.20, and they were already calling my name to sort out my paperwork when I got there! Luckily I wasn't actually late, so it was okay. Nick then took a few of us up to a kind of conference room where we waited for our interviewer. They were basically just taking anybody in the room in pairs - they weren't even taking people from the same time slot together!

I had Jeff as an interviewer, and was with a guy called Geraint. Jeff was really lovely and kept us completely at ease. I honestly didn't feel nervous at all, which was the complete opposite of how I was expecting to feel. Geraint was clearly really nervous - his hands were shaking a lot! - but he answered the questions really well, so it didn't matter.
The interview was as informal as everyone was saying. We were asked specific questions, but it was clear that it was the way we answered them just as much as what we answered that was important. We were asked why we wanted to work for Disney, to tell him about our hometown and 3 words or terms our friends would use to describe us. I feel like there was another question too, but I don't remember what it was!
At the end I told Jeff that they should give out the Disney International Program pen that he was using as a prize instead of the screen wipe, so he gave me his pen! I didn't expect that at all, but it was really cool so obviously I took it! And then he found something for Geraint too, which was super nice of him.

And then we went back to the foyer-y area. I thanked Chloe (one of the lovely Yummy Jobs people) and headed off.

We're supposed to hear BY June 15th - eek! Luckily I have some friends staying with me so that definitely helps to take my mind off things!

Friday, 27 May 2011

A week today!

The F2F interview is a week today! I'm not that nervous at the moment, because there seems to be a lot of stuff happening between now and then:
- Last ever university exam tomorrow, which marks the end of university for me.
- Friends coming down tomorrow night to celebrate aforementioned event.
- Picking my 2 American friends from the airport on Tuesday morning.
- Giving them a tour of Brighton, and heading to London on Thursday.

I feel as if there's something I should be doing to prepare for the interview, but I don't know what! There's so much information out there about the questions asked in the phone interview, yet I've not been able to find anything about the questions asked in the F2F. I'll have to try and find some time to go hunting a bit more!

Really looking forward to meeting everyone from the WDWIP forums - we've been talking so much since this process started, it'll be great (and a little strange!) to finally put faces to names!

Thursday, 28 April 2011



I saw on the WDWIP forums that a couple of people have received emails telling them that they've got through to the interviews, but when I checked  my email, there was nothing. Zip. Nada. I started panicking a little, thinking 'oh God, they sent out all the yes emails at once, which must mean I didn't get through.' I'm in my university's library at the moment and a wobbly chin was threatening to break into tears - which might have been a little embarrassing!

Luckily, a lovely forum member assured me that everyone gets an email and that I should check my junk folder. Now, I was skeptical. None of my previous correspondence from Yummy has gone into my junk, why would this one? BUT IT HAD.

I wasn't even sure I wanted to open it, but I did a bit of deep breathing, opened it and saw

Many thanks for taking time in the pre-screen interview for the Disney International Programs.  We were impressed by your performance and are pleased to invite you to the next interview stage.

at which point my insides sort of exploded. Unfortunately, being in a library, all I could do was run down an aisle of bookshelves (earning an odd look from the girl sitting next to me), and then call my parents to excitedly babble at them. Phew.

And with that, I'm going home for the day!

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Phone interview.

So I had my phone interview today! It was the first day of interviews and I decided to just go for it and get it out of the way. I already had a list of questions I could be asked, and a rough idea of what I'd answer for each one, so there didn't seem any point in prolonging it all.

I booked my interview for 2.15pm, with Nick, and spent this morning writing out headings, with relevant questions underneath, and bullet pointed answers for each one. It calmed me down a bit, because I realised I had a reasonably decent answer for each one!

Nick was a few minutes late calling, but I was expecting that (everyone who's written about their phone interview seems to have that happen to them). I made a joke to him about thinking my phone was broken, but realised that he could have mistaken that for ragging on him a little, which definitely was NOT my intention. Eek. Maybe I'm just overthinking.

Anyway, these are the questions I was asked (in no particular order):
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? (standard Disney Look question)
- Tell me a bit about yourself, why you want to go to Disney, what motivates you.
- Why should you be picked to go to Disney?
- How would you feel about sharing a flat with people of any of the nationalities in World Showcase?
- How would being around above mentioned people help you in the future?
- Tell me a time when you've dealt with a difficult customer.
- If an American came to you in the UK Pavilion and asked you to tell them about Cardiff, what would you tell them?
- Give me three buzzwords to describe yourself.
- Which Disney character are you most like?

Two of them (the one about nationalities helping me in the future and the buzzwords one) were not ones I was expecting at all, so they threw me for a second, but I think I managed not to sound too alarmed! I was trying not to sound as if I had vague answers prepared anyway, so hopefully it wasn't obvious I had no idea what to say for those!

So yes, it's hard to tell how it went. I didn't mess up any of the answers, and I made Nick laugh a couple of times, and I was definitely confident in my speaking. I just have a feeling I rambled on a bit too long for a couple of the questions. Hmm.

Oh well, I guess I'll find out how I did in a few weeks!

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Drumroll please ...

I've got a phone interview!

I got back from 2 weeks in Florida and a week in Colorado only today, and I was feeling pretty down about being back. Then I checked my email, and saw the subject line 'Disney's Cultural Representative Program' and butterflies exploded in my stomach. The first line sounded like a no (and I'm right to think that - Yummy Jobs used the same first line in the rejection emails as well!): 
Many thanks for the time and effort you put into your application for Disney’s Cultural Representative Program. We sincerely appreciate your interest in the Disney International Programs.

But then the second line? Oh that beautiful second line!
We are delighted to inform you that we will be taking your application to the second stage of the process and will be inviting you to a pre-screen phone interview with a Yummy Jobs Team Member!

They're going to send out an email by April 18th for us to arrange a time for the interview. I have dissertations to be writing, but right now, this is what I want to be studying for! Luckily so many people who've applied to the CRP are unbelievably lovely and there's a wealth of information on the forums, on blogs and on YouTube, so I should be able to get a good idea of what's expected of me. Because I want this SO MUCH.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Longer wait = more impatience.

After having heard from numerous people on the WDWIP forums - who had heard via emails from Yummy Jobs - that the applications were closing as soon as January 15th, with phone interviews at the end of January and face to face interviews in March, the Yummy Jobs website now says this:

UK Applicants: Applications are open from January 5th 2011 to February 28th 2011. We are currently accepting applications for positions primarily starting in the latter half of 2011 and early 2012. Applications will be reviewed in March 2011 and all applicants will be responded to by early April 2011.

So now we have to wait until APRIL to find out whether or not we've been successful in the first round of applicants alone. Now, admittedly, this doesn't affect me that much. And I don't have an issue when I go, as long as I get to go. I just liked the idea of the January applications being so much quicker so that I could find out whether or not I'd be going on the CRP by April.

I'm also a little nervous now, because I'm going on holiday (to WDW - oh, the irony) at the end of March and will be away until the second week in April. What if they contact me while I'm over there, offering me a phone interview? I know that they allow you to choose when your phone interview is, but I'm sure there's only a limited amount of days. If I'm away for all of them, I won't be able to do it. Which would make this wait even more torturous that it's going to be.

Someone whose blog I read remarked that applying for the CRP is never as simple as it seems. I think I'm beginning to realise that already ...

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Just applied!

Applications for the CRP starting between July and December 2011 opened today, and I just submitted my application. I had a moment of dffgugdfjgfjgb what am I doing why am I doing this slash ohmyGod I hope I get this, but it's okay, I've calmed down now.

I want this so much, but there's a few things in my life right now (a friend's wedding and my boyfriend, most importantly) that if I don't get in this time around, I will know is a sign that I'm meant to stay for these things. If I don't get in this time around, I will keep applying until I do.

And now the waiting begins ... eek.